Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Urban Sociology (Tuesday February 3rd)

After learning about the urban revolution, I thought that it was one of the most interesting topics I have ever learned about in terms of sociology in the city. The urba revolution took place in about 4,000 B.C. In order to have an urban revolution, there must be six steps that must take place. First, there needs to be a large permanent settlement. Next in the urban revolution came the non agricultural class. In this class we see specialists in jobs such as, potters, blacksmiths etc. After this takes place there then has to be taxation to take place in order to have an urban revolution. Next, there has to be a ruling class. Their job is to get money, organize, and make rules. We saw this exist in ancient Egypt where the rulers eventually became gods, but it did exist there. Fifth, there was records kept where the people would write on clay pallets all the records that took place. We see this all over today in everyday society with records such as criminal, credit history etc. So documenting records has been around since the Urban Revolution took place. Finally, trade has to take place in order for the city to survive. All six of these steps equals surplus which equals the city which equals trade. It is a very interesting formula but this is how the urban revolution began.
After reading others view on urban sociology, I found some information on modern life cities and some statistics about a large amount of people living in the city in 2008. It was a great bog to read about. Here is the link......http://perencanamuda.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/the-urban-revolution/.

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